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Sovereign Family Private Brief


New members are only admitted after a probation period, having earned a good level of trust from existing members. Once initiated, they are expected to consider the Sovereign Family their only family, and to remain a member for life. Although levels of loyalty are generally high, each member's knowledge of organisation and current plans is limited mostly to those near to them in the hierarchy, for safety.

Although there are formal ranks within the organisation, the authority of higher-ranking members is mostly limited to their particular subordinates, known as “Children”, “Grandchildren” &ct. depending on the difference in rank. As few close Relatives end up being imprisoned together, the gang's organisation in the prison is somewhat looser. Ms. Kenta has been organising temporary re-assignments of relations for the length of peoples' sentences, but these are not considered as solemn or important as real Family.


Despite being a criminal organisation, the Family view violations of their own rules very harshly, with punishments ranging from demotion and corporal punishment to expulsion and execution. In general, anything which is normally a crime is prohibited if the victim is another Family member. Some of the other important prohibitions are:

  • Violating contracts made in the Family name.
  • Sharing Family secrets
  • Aggressive competition for business or territory within the Family
  • Unsustainable levels of crime
  • Disobeying your senior Relatives
  • Lying to your Relatives (i.e. those closely related to you. It's considered less serious between widely separated branches of the Family.)

Extenuating circumstances may apply, especially for the more minor rules or if the perpetrator couldn't reasonably have known that the victims were Family members.

Notable members

  • Jeremiah Levy: He has a reputation in the family as being strict and slow to forgive, but his leadership is effective at keeping those of us in the prison united. Due to being the only one in here of his rank, he's almost everyone's adoptive grandfather or great-grandfather.
  • Hitomi Kenta: She's fiercely protective of her Relatives when necessary, but if you get to know her she's mostly just sweet. She even manages to bake cakes sometimes. (It's probably best not to think about what she puts in them).
  • Elena Tyrell: Sold out by her own Child, but some say she had it coming.
  • Athena Ibsen: Joined the Family young and was promoted unusually quickly due to their impressive performance and efficiency.
  • Verm Ambrose: Well respected for his important role in the takeover of the space-station Agliostos-19j, as well as his imposing physical appearance.
  • Eris Crux: With her mercurial nature and unstable temperament, she made herself extremely useful to the Family before joining Redemption.

Other members in Redemption

Internal News

brief/family.1492963878.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/23 16:11 by gm_michael