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Turnsheet 1 News


Library books

Inmates are reminded to return their library books on time and in a reasonable condition. The prison's collection is unfortunately limited, so for the benefit of other users, it is important for us to not lose more books.

Hazardous Materials Missing

The prisoner who took hazardous materials from the workshop must return them, otherwise random searches will occur. The solvents are toxic, and must be stored safely otherwise you risk serious illness. We will either find them, or just look for the idiot doubled over and vomiting.

General Announcement: Inmates committing theft WILL BE FOUND AND PUNISHED

As was clear to those inmates whose stolen goods were impounded upon their return from the Workgroup Zero missions, Redemption Reform Facility will neither allow nor accept instances of theft by inmates. The Senior Correctional Officers would like to announce a 24 hour amnesty for those inmates involved in the theft of the following:

  • The solar panels from Lifter 2;
  • 2 security collars;
  • Medical supplies;
  • A cybernetic hand from the warehouse; and
  • Quartermaster Kayyali's scarf.

The inmates responsible, or inmates with information on the above, are encouraged to report to any Correctional Officer. Circumstances of the amnesty will be made clear upon your reporting in.

Update on the Functionality of Station Blue

Although Station Blue has sustained a small amount of damage, it is nonetheless operational. All rumours regarding its state are misinformed and inaccurate. A taskforce from Workgroup Zero will nevertheless be sent out to carry out the minor repairs needed. Inmates are not to panic.

Re: Events in Workgroup Zero

Deaths of inmates are to be expected on dangerous missions and any rumours suggesting suspicious circumstances are misinformed and inaccurate. Inmates are not to pursue the issue further.



Not only did Andras Blake kill a guy (and nearly another one) during equipment cataloguing, he also beat up Scuzz Anderson in a corridor the other day. What's that guy's deal?

Story Time

Lorelei has been telling stories to any prisoners who care to listen. They're pretty good stories, but the dark themes aren't to everyone's tastes.


A group of Tel have been gathering in one of the rock gardens at night. They claim to be stargazing. Dri Po Val Shre is always first there.

Station Bravo Brewing Company

Word is that Cellblock Bravo's self-titled Station Bravo Brewing Company is really pissed off about something.

Station Blue Fucked

The oxygenation machines are fucked. The atmosphere is fucked. That means we are fucked. Fuck.

Are all doctors this weird?

Darren Swift was caught by Asher Segal trying to smuggle Senvaine bottles into people’s bodies whilst doing first aid!

An offer you can't refuse

Hanlon's offering unrestricted workshop access at some point in the next couple months - says they've managed to swing something. They've also been hinting that they'll be calling in a lot of favours soon for something big - and they might even stretch to owing people favours rather than the other way around.

Kitchen Fire

Did you hear? Keegan blew up the goddamn kitchen. She knows we have limited food right?

Kayyali's Bad Side

You guys really don't want to get on Kayyali's bad side. Not that she has a good side mind… Just don't get on her worse side. Have you seen what she did to her last workgroup?

Redemption Radio?

Kept hearing static through the wall last night. Coulda sworn it was Green Day1)2). No fucking clue. Must have been dreaming.

Prisoners of War more pissy than usual

Some well-known Tel got ganked last month. Murdered on one of the Workgroup Zero missions. Or was it five Tel? Or murdered in the kitchen explosion? Anyway they're burbling angrily away in their little language.

A new joke does the rounds:
Q: What do you call it when you blow up a planet with two billion people on it?
A: That'd be Telling.

1) O.C. Note: While Green Day does not exist in setting, things like this provide a useful reference point for culture. As much as we'd like to create you an entire cultures worth of art to reference
2) OC: Anyone who wants to write and record an in-setting parody of Green Day is completely welcome to however, you keeners
news/1.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/02 12:24 by gm_cameron