When and Where
Style and Tone
Conduct and Themes
The main Exodus of b-Exagora took place in 654PE. This expedition took 1500 prisoners on their journey towards Tel space, but also left 600 prisoners behind on the planet. These prisoners were predominantly of the Nexus and Creed factions. It appeared that both factions had plans for the further development of b-Exagora.
Of course with the eternal rivalry that existed between the Creed and Nexus at the time, many anticipated a swift and brutal war to settle all grudges. However the months following the departure of supply ship 6-0-SPD bore witness to a tense ceasefire of sorts between factions. The reasons for the truce were threefold.
Firstly the collars themselves still prevented out and out violence between the prisoners. Although some prisoners enjoyed the calm this offered, many others desperately searched the guard quarters of the prison facility for the collar keys. They were never found.
Secondly there was still the mutual threat of the bioweapon hanging over the heads of all. These prisoners did not have the advantage of relativistic travel that the passengers of the 6-0-SPD had and so have the advantage of relativistic travel that the passengers of the 6-0-SPD had and so had to start their cure from scratch. Researchers from both sides, including Darren Swift, collaborated in order to get a cure working as soon as possible. There was an understanding that researchers of both sides were not to be involved in the conflict. After all it is their work that is managing to stave off the lethal effects of the virus for as long as possible.
The third factor was distance. The Creed took control of the main prison and the surrounding farmland whereas the Nexus took control of the scattered Science Stations, predominantly Station Blue. This separation was key to relieving tensions.
These factors did not manage to stop all deaths. The prisoners quickly became adept at laying traps in each other’s territory. At one point a substantial chunk of Nexus cybernetics took on critical faults due to the viral legacy of the prisoner Jan Beno of the Creed.
The conflict such as it was came to a head at an abandoned hydrolysis plant near Station Blue. Leaders Aina and Magnus were having a meeting on site to determine the use of the plant. The results of the discussion are unknown as a trap laid by one of the factions managed to blow up the entire plant, killing the leaders and their closest followers.
This left room for the more moderate prisoners remaining in both factions such as Lyla Mayweather to negotiate a lasting peace.
The majority of members of both factions were willing to more or less ignore the others - each might believe the other to be abominations, but out of sight, out of mind was enough for a long-standing armistice. With most of the farmland in the hands of the Creed, despite the agricultural work done elsewhere, and the Creed more willing than most of the Nexus to prioritize agricultural development, a deal was struck whereby the Creed would ship food to the Nexus, in exchange for Nexus allowing the Creed unimpeded access to Station Green. Nexus now base themselves almost entirely out of Station Blue; the harsh climate of the region posing little difficulty - and, if anything, a welcome challenge - to those dedicated to augmenting their own bodies to survive. They also took charge of the terraforming machinery based at Station Blue, ensuring the continued progress of the process.
Meanwhile, the Creed's fields expanded outwards from the prison to encompass more and more of the temperate zones of the planet. Growth was slow at first, despite the work of Lyla and the other scientists among the Creed on improving the hardiness and adaptability of the plant life, but as the terraforming process came to completion, the planet grew steadily greener.
In the year 659PE, a working cure was eventually produced from the medical researh labs of Station Green. The cure was distributed to all of those remaining on the planet.
In subsequent years, the planet was largely isolated from the upheaval across the rest of Elysian space, but eventually people started to return: old inmates, tourists, researchers - and once a ship arrived with a new FTL transciever, and news filtered back of what the planet had become, members of the Organics and the Nexus from elsewhere began come to visit their respective enclaves. Eventually the planet made its way onto the regular trade routes again, though with a reputation now as a peaceful haven, rather than a penal facility.