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Excerpt from the movie 'Escape from b-Exagora'

Jessie: I have been working with my Elysian friends all this time!

Miscellaneous Cowering Tel #1: No!

Jessie: Your idea of community is boring and leaves no room for individuality. Weaklings, you were too quick to trust anyone with a long and incoherent name!

Miscellaneous Cowering Tel #1: *looks shocked*

Jessie: I will defend my friends – my ELYSIAN friends – and if anyone's going to get off this rock, it will be us and not you. Haven't you heard – there's a food shortage and your rations have just been CONFISCATED.

Miscellaneous Cowering Tel #2: You won't get away with this. If anyone's going to escape, it'll be us, and you can't stop that, you – you – TRAITOR!

Jessie: I am NOT a traitor! You fools, I belong to a SUPERIOR CULTURE. I cannot betray you because I was never one of you. *jubilant laughter* Now you see that I have outsmarted you – you'll never know where is safe to run and where is not!

Miscellaneous Cowering Tel #3: But… Stah Ye… You are one of us.

Jessie: Haha, no. For my name may be written Stah Ye Jeh Sii, but you will call me JESSIE!

*she wields two miniguns and starts shooting*


*the scene descends into blood and screams, before guards wade in and everybody is frozen in comical poses*

Reviews of the movie 'Escape from b-Exagora'

“…floridly unrealistic and insulting portrayal of what was no doubt a complex character with a profound backstory …”

“ … could have shown like a struggle between her cultural identities and the desire to survive in an actually interesting way, rather than that melodramatic bollocks …”

“ … must have been more to it than that, ffs … ”

“Look, she betrayed them, ok? End of story it doesn't need anything more than that. B+ the blood was clearly fake.”

Stah Ye Jeh Sii Ko
“Her preference for the moniker 'Jessie' is attested to early in her life. She provides an interesting insight into the pluralism – or lack thereof – of sixth century mainstream Elysian culture. As a second generation immigrant, she joined the Elysian Military and records of her early career and training are easily found (Appendix C). She was considered a sound and promising recruit by the military. However, convictions for assault and news reports on racially-motivated fights in the military and inner Empire portray the series of events that led to her sentence on b-Exagora. Additionally this gives us a degree of understanding as to the situation of the group who called themselves 'True Elysians'. It is accepted that Stah Ye Jeh Sii surrounded herself with former military peers and other pro-Empire citizens through her sentence. Whether this was to prove her 'Elysian-ness', for safety, or for dedicated philosophical outlook is unclear.

“In the Workgroups of Redemption Reform Facility, her name appears in lists of those chosen to participate in the early salvage operations, and transitions to peacekeeping duties. She may have been trusted by the Facility authorities to be able to handle herself in dangerous situations. One can speculate that she was viewed favourably by the guards, who may have needed a calm and capable Tel on their workgroups to improve their image. Still, the degree of thought which was put into the allocation of inmates to 'Workgroup Zero' taskforces has been called into question in other works[46].

“The treachery for which she was so widely vilified in the Tel public eye after the events on b-Exagora became widely known…”
– Excerpt from “Influential Tel of the Tripartite War”, Chapter “Redemption Reform Facility”, pp 69-71, published 852PE.

eternity/stah_ye_jeh_sii_ko.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/13 10:47 by gm_amy