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Mortimer Sykes Eternity

Tel Military Intelligence Division Request Form

Applicant Mortimer Sykes
Date 667-09-23
Planet Prima Requisita
Reason for request Establishment of a Medical Clinic
(Not for applicant's use)
The applicant has been recommended by several Tel. He has medical qualities that have assisted us in the war, and been instrumental in perfecting the cure that our own scientists made. His prisoner records do show that he exceeded his initial sentencing.

The camera pans upwards, taking the awe inspiring beauty of the clinic. It shows it to have a clean design with many windows for patients to see the beauty outside. Perched near the river and forests, all patients can see nature at its best, with the sun beaming down.

“Here we stand at the Ai Xix Clinic, built and founded by Mortimer Sykes, 70 years ago. This individual, born Elysian, has helped more of our kind that anyone has. He has set up clinics across Tel space and we thank him for it” the reporter said, a tear streamed down her face.

She walked forward towards the clinic, the camera man following suit. They passed through the main hall, and into the outside fields. Two monuments stood before the fields.

“Mortimer Sykes came to our world, 70 years ago and set up a clinic. People were wary of his intentions, but he began treating ex-cons, then his former cellmates, and finally Tel soldiers came down. After the military gave the green light, his clinic received funding and he was able to expand and place more of his clinics on other planets. ”

“He erected two monuments to his fallen Tel comrades; Ai Lah En Rizh Yul Vo Kahl, with the inscription in Telbau and Elysian; May the sun bear witness to your strength, even in death. And the second Grave to Xix Chil Ah Tohr Kai Shre; To my greatest friend, and my staunchest ally.”

The reporter shed tears and the camera man asked if he should finish. She motioned to carry on.

“So we are coming to the 50th Anniversary of the Official Opening of the Ai Xix Clinic of Prima Requisita, and the continued work of a Mortimer Sykes. This is An Ya Sykes, Granddaughter of Mortimer Sykes, signing off.”

eternity/mortimer_sykes.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/11 20:15 by gm_amy