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Tel Military Intelligence Division Request Form

Applicant Adrian Kilworth
Date 665-09-01
Planet LanDriChin
Reason for request Political Asylum
(Not for applicant's use)
The applicant was convicted by the Elysian Empire of charges of a political nature which do not exist in Tel law. Interviews with former inmates of b-Exagora suggest no criminal activity. The applicant has expressed intent to participate in laudable endeavours related to the current Tel-Elysian conflict and has been offered employment aboard the 6-0-SPD. We are satisfied of the veracity of his claims of pacifism.

The hands that break the glass bleed, cut to the bone

Take up a shard to fight, kill as they die.

This world we build to call our own

From bloodstained shards of what we leave behind

The more we shed, the clearer it is shown

The bloody tide is rising: yours, theirs, and mine -

Empires clash still: as above, so below. Across this crimson ground:

Lay down your blades, before we drown.

- From Exit Wounds: The Collected Works of Adrian Kilworth

eternity/adrian_kilworth.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/13 12:14 by gm_morgan