So, apparently someone straight-up murdered Sho Nust out on work duty. Was that one of us? Because if so, kudos, but also kudos for pulling that off without Yuri knowing who you are.
Env Do did some serious damage to one of our guys in Tharaldson's fighting ring. Payback required. Also, apparently Andras Blake is really good at passing on 'messages', maybe we could see if we can get him on side?
Speaking of Tel dicking us over, we should have concrete proof of sabotage once the black box from the supply ship gets checked out.
Someone's handing out radios; seems like it's organized by the CPP. We should see if we can get hold of one, see what they're up to.
Arnir had a really interesting chat with Linh Tran - apparently she likes the Tel less than she like us. Good to see she's got some sense of patriotism! Focus on hitting the Tel and the CPP might not back them up, and then we can go after the CPP when we've broken the back of the Tel issue.
The Tel have been hanging out in the rock garden. Those stones can be so slippery, it would be a shame if something were to happen…
Jimmy still has a good stash of the old Cell Block Bravo moonshine from before they stopped producing, if anyone wants some.
brief/true_elysians/news2.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/01 20:10 by gm_morgan