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[In hushed tones.]
“Look. I need you to trust me. I'll represent us in the meeting. You need to be on hand in case the revolutionaries try anything.”
“I've been in this from the beginning. You can't shut me out of my own movement, Alethea.”
“I'm not trying to. We need representatives outside. If people do anything to destabilise the city, you can step in and be the hero. Give us some credibility. The meeting's just for show anyway. This Council isn't intending to give us anything.”
“Okay. Alright. Are you sure there isn't something I should know?”
“Just. A feeling.”

-A recording from a bugged room in the meeting halls of the Short List in 678PE.

eternity/nicholas_russell.1497275065.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/12 13:44 by gm_jay