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Yep you heard right, one inmate had cybernetic crochet hooks! In their hands! And put them to excellent use in our opinion – by hosting crochet workshops! Now that's one way to brighten up a prison! [stock photo of cybernetic crochet hook]
– from “10 Things You Won't Believe Happened on b-Exagora! (It Wasn't All Evil Research!)” on popular Bel-Ashan light entertainment website

”…the recent rise of disticntly tasteless literature capitalising on the popular interest in the b-Exagora incident, most notably including Cornered by the Superintendent…“
—Priman Literary Review, 667PE issue

eternity/avery_russell.1497169423.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/11 08:23 by gm_andrew