When and Where
Style and Tone
Conduct and Themes
This is an old revision of the document!
It's been a crazy month.
Redemption Reform Facility transformed.
Our soldiers did us proud in the riots. We gained significant stocks of firearms. We took losses. They are to be expected. They laid down their lives for our freedom.
The defensive base we formed in the main rec room was a success. Forewarned, we formed the corral immediately. We protected those who needed it. Not just Tel: there were many Elysians, the injured and lonely and weak ones. They huddled with us, they heard I Teyk Ngalsh Lizh leading the impromptu choir, they saw our determination in protecting that base, assigning squads of soldiers to guard their lives over reinforcing Tel fighters elsewhere, and standing shoulder to shoulder with Elysian allies to protect them to the last Tel. Through that red and screaming night, we showed them the meaning of community.
Zhar Ro Zhist Soz1) was everywhere in the riots, commanding, overseeing; our General is back. Good has come out of our alliance. From the CPP, Aanya Khatri, Imogen Childs, Harper Lockwood and Alethea Rucker were instrumental in the insurrection, and we worked with them. Zhar Ro Zhist Soz knew the collars were going to go, and go again. Riot and Pacify. Two words that have changed our lives. The collar engineers trusted us with the information. They were right to do so.
From the Family, Vermilion Ambrose, Jeremiah Levy, Harper Lockwood (again) and Lorelei Wildner were true to their word: we took the armoury, we showed them what our discipline and training and courage can do. We are pleased that 'Verm' (apparently he is happy to be known by just the one name, to all) passed out the firearms to Tel fighters as agreed.
News of deaths were trickling in, even before the revolt. Ai Lah En, notably, was jumped and murdered in her own cell. The body of Manny Sousa was found in the cell, crushed and mangled.
She will be missed.
During the riots, deaths abounded, though unfortunately not Jimmy Maine's or Aspen Silver's. One piece of satisfying news: Stah Ye Jeh – “Jessie”, the name belying her traitorous nature – was found and killed in the process of murdering Xix Chil Ah, who played an admirable part in deactivating the collars at the start of the revolt. Congratulations to our boy La Ma Ze for killing her. Unfortunately, it was too late for Xix Chil Ah.
He will be missed.
Funerals have been held steadily, in the peace since the riots. The peace is so fragile, artificial, yet enforced immutably: there's a delicacy to the coalitions, here, and an all-pervading uncertainty, uncertainty as to who is in control and what is going to happen when the supply ship arrives.
I'll tell you what will happen when the supply ship arrives.
We leave this planet.
The revolt was bloody, but it was a success. We planned, we allied, we fought, we armed ourselves and we died, over and over. But we won. And we're not anybody's slaves any more.
Nobody will save us. But we will save ourselves.