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This news is for Session 3.

True Elysians messed up

Haha. If it didn't do so much damage that inmates from Workgroup Two had to clean up, the riot would've been funny. It was a good excuse to get some serious broken bones in. Current thinking is that the riot in the mess hall was a distraction by the True Elysians to bring guards running away from the armoury. It clearly didn't work: the patriotic idiots rushing Kayyali's warehouse didn't get the weapons, thank the stars. And we know the identity of another Workgroup Zero True Elysian: Jan Beno, clearly heard shouting “For the Empire!” and “Fuck the Tel!”

Now if La Ma Ze could get round to explaining why he was seen being thrown, injured and paralysed, into the yard with the rest of the would-be raiders, that would be great…

Jimmy Maine actively assaulting us

Jimmy Maine's always dangerous, but he's stepping it up, and targeting just one Tel at a time – everyone be careful. He started trouble just after the last Workgroup Zero briefing. Some of the Coalition of Political Prisoners reported that they stepped in to help, and that the Tel involved was Stah Ye. They say Jimmy was trying to beat stargazing timings and information about the radio network out of her. Seems like there's some integrity behind this alliance; the little CPP group were pretty badly hurt weighing in.

Aanya Khatri getting worse?

The CPP seem to be stepping in to help her, but if her leadership falters, we could lose their help.

Stargazing continues

Hah, they didn't catch us. That'll show Yuri. Everyone save your ration biscuits next time and we'll have a midnight picnic.

James 'Scuzz' Anderson Conflicted

He was heard shouting anti-Tel slogans at the True Elysian riot, plus he had inked some of the tattoos that they all wear on his arms at the time. They don't seem to be permanent tattoos though. On the other hand, he's putting effort into extending the hand of friendship any time he can. Opinion is divided as to whether we should accept it. Is it all a front to get a True Elysian informant in our midst?

Dri Po in solitary

Did she really kill Jeremiah Waters? Crap, we need our Tel doctors.

More racist jokes

Can someone think of an anti-Elysian joke please? This is getting tiring.

brief/pow/news3.1494268128.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/08 18:28 by gm_amy