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This is an old revision of the document!
The following has been heard before Session 2.
Sho Nust!
Sho Nust is dead! She didn't come back from her Workgroup Zero assignment. She went out to the crashed supply ship and some callous bastardmotherfucking total scum murderer did her in.
She doesn't deserve this. Who had reason to kill her? She never started anything, she never betrayed anyone, surely?
She helped anyone, anyone who asked, and she got done in for it in the end. She's died billions of miles from her family under no friendly star and the guards didn't even look into it, just took the body away – what is she, a dead rat to be thrown in the bin?
The general outrage is almost palpable. Our beloved Sho Nust is DEAD and we are ANGRY.
Rumour has it that a small group of inmates, spearheaded by Stah Ye Jeh and Zhou Ba Lan, has set up some procedures to keep us and some of the CPP safe. There are designated escape routes, sentries, clues to indicate safe spaces, and secret signals to use in public to indicate when there are enemies nearby or when an attack is imminent. They're not public knowledge yet though; are they still being worked out? We eagerly await knowledge of the secret signals.
Dri Po Val Shre, our longserving ex-military doctor, has taken the initiative of leading communal stargazing groups in one of the rock gardens. All are welcome. There is a healthy Tel air about them, and some Tel are bringing drinks and starcharts. The stars are different here, and the group has already identified and collaboratively named some new stars. It is to be hoped that in time we will become more acquainted with our new stars.
Something about the medicine allocated to Tel being all used up? Or that the medical supplies he would be able to use on Tel are 'otherwise engaged'?
His name might be nigh-unpronounceable, but he has been seen trying to be generally cordial to prisoners of war since the Workgroup Zero briefing. He's made noises about getting in the way the next time he sees a Tel being beaten up.
A non-military Tel, who does not ally with the Prisoners of War, Xix Chil Ah Shre has assembled and installed upgrades to Ai Lah En's cybernetic legs. He has also been seen hanging out with Ai Lah En and Env Do Jhyl.
Zhar Ro Zhist was savagely beaten just after the Workgroup Zero briefing. A Tel prisoner with the voting device was about to have it forcibly removed by a couple of Immaculates, and he intervened. Even in such a sorry state the bastards still made him go to Station Blue. What's new?
There's a new anti-Tel joke doing the rounds, some kind of pun. Elysian shits think it's hilarious. It isn't.
A couple of radio receivers are distributed amongst the CPP and the Tel. People are told little but pointed to handy places to hide them. A couple of hours before curfew, whispers spread to turn them on now.
And a distorted voice comes over the speaker.
“Hello and welcome to redemption Radio, I’m your host, the Redeemer. Today’s top story. Those prisoners who have been set to ‘equipment cataloguing’ are in fact being forced to fight one another for the guards amusement. This story was leaked by those facing the fighting pit as a warning to others- the guards cannot be trusted to keep us safe, especially in light of recent events. I for one encourage everyone who can spare a little food, or other resources for those condemned to the fighting pit, to do so they need and deserve our help. In other news the station bravo brewing company (as they like to call themselves) has come under fire for increasing the potency of their alcohol using cybernetic coolant. Whilst this is incredibly effective in getting you totally fucked, the hangover lasts 3 days, 2 of which you have no memory of. Indeed, funny story, your host missed the destruction of the space elevator, sleeping through the loud crashing as it fell to the surface. Crazy right? Time for some music, here’s a little something from home…”
Green Day, 'Revolution Radio' plays.
“You are listening to Redemption radio. If you’re just joining us this will be a bi-monthly broadcast with the best of my terrible music taste alongside news and gossip station wide. I'm your host, the Redeemer. A message now to the guards, if any of you are listening. I for one know you have a job to do, I don’t blame you for doing it, it is after all, your job. Now I don’t know quite how bad the station situation is, but it seems pretty simple to me. We don’t want to starve any more than you do. Let us help you. We’ve all come from all over the empire, and even beyond it’s borders, but now we’re all floating around on the same lifeless rock with no hope of contact beyond it for quite some time. Occasionally, spare the collar, let us help you. Together, we can do far more than if we fight constantly. The same goes for the prisoners. I don’t care if you’re cybernetically enhanced, a patriot, Tel, a rebel, whatever. Right now, we gotta work together if we’re gonna survive this mess. We can worry about the rest later…”
Coheed and Cambria, 'You Got Spirit Kid' plays.
“More news. The COPP/Tel alliance continues to draw support from across both factions, with the two co-operating on several projects recently. COPP members have been seen breaking up fights between the Tel and the guards, as well as other prisoners. They are really doing some fantastic work in maintaining peace, and are always looking for new members to join their ranks. As Salvage operations at station red and station Blue have been exploring severely damaged other stations across the planet, information has been scarce on what caused the accidents. As salvage teams pick apart the wreckage for parts which may come in useful, rumours circulate about survivors. These rumours range from everyone is dead to everyone survived, and everything in between. Once we have more information we will share it with you. To anyone who had friends on the stations, you have my condolences, I encourage you to remember the possibility of survivors at both stations. Put simply, Have hope.”
The Interrupters, ‘Take Back the Power' plays.
“Its now time for the open letter. An open letter to Guard Winter. Why so aggressive friend? You scream and you shout and you swear, and what does it achieve? You don’t earn our respect, just our contempt. You don’t even earn our fear, because quite simply, you need us to do your dirty work. We’re on the same side! You gotta eat, we gotta eat, and there’s only so much food, and little hope of getting more, so why waste energy being a dick to poor prisoners? Spare the collar, be a little friendlier, and maybe we will co-operate better? Yours sincerely, The Redeemer. If you have an open letter, or any information you want broadcast, please submit it to any member of the COPP/Tel alliance who will pass it on to me and you could be hearing your words going out station wide in our next show.”
The Clash, 'I Fought the Law' plays. “So I’m afraid that’s all we have time for this week. Please tune in at the same time in 2 months for the latest in station gossip, news, and of course, more music. Again, if you want to see anything featured in our show send it to any member of the COPP/Tel alliance and we’ll put it out for you. This has been redemption radio, and I have been your host, the Redeemer. Stay safe out there everyone.”