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eternity:mortimer_sykes [2017/06/11 17:36]
gm_andrew misc small edits
eternity:mortimer_sykes [2017/06/11 20:15] (current)
gm_amy Typo+small edit
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 | Date | 667-09-23 | | Date | 667-09-23 |
 | Planet | Prima Requisita | | Planet | Prima Requisita |
-| Reason for request | Setting up a Clinic |+| Reason for request | Establishment of Medical ​Clinic |
 | Comments\\ **(Not for applicant'​s use)** | The applicant has been recommended by several Tel. He has medical qualities that have assisted us in the war, and been instrumental in perfecting the cure that our own scientists made. His prisoner records do show that he exceeded his initial sentencing. | | Comments\\ **(Not for applicant'​s use)** | The applicant has been recommended by several Tel. He has medical qualities that have assisted us in the war, and been instrumental in perfecting the cure that our own scientists made. His prisoner records do show that he exceeded his initial sentencing. |
 |  **GRANTED** ​ || |  **GRANTED** ​ ||
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 The reporter shed tears and the camera man asked if he should finish. She motioned to carry on. The reporter shed tears and the camera man asked if he should finish. She motioned to carry on.
-"So we are coming to the 50th Anniversary of the Official Opening of the Ai Xix Clinic of Prima Requisita, and the continued work of a Mortimer Sykes. This is An Ya Sykes, Granddaughter of Mortimer Sykes, ​singing ​off."+"So we are coming to the 50th Anniversary of the Official Opening of the Ai Xix Clinic of Prima Requisita, and the continued work of a Mortimer Sykes. This is An Ya Sykes, Granddaughter of Mortimer Sykes, ​signing ​off."
eternity/mortimer_sykes.1497202606.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/11 17:36 by gm_andrew