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eternity:session_6_oh_god [2017/06/17 11:14]
gm_amy [Further Details]
eternity:session_6_oh_god [2017/06/17 11:15] (current)
gm_amy [Plans]
Line 104: Line 104:
 =====Plans===== =====Plans=====
 +//GM Note: This is not a turnsheet; the character was a DPC and their plans were taken into account only as such. And yes, I have checked with Yangos this is ok.//
 After that, we discussed how to get the necessary supplies down to the planet. The original drop-pod plan still seems to be our best option and I have decided to pursue it. However, it is clear that the safety of my people cannot be assured and that I must take all precautions against rogue, desperate prisoners attacking the shuttles. The plan that we agreed on was the following:​\\ After that, we discussed how to get the necessary supplies down to the planet. The original drop-pod plan still seems to be our best option and I have decided to pursue it. However, it is clear that the safety of my people cannot be assured and that I must take all precautions against rogue, desperate prisoners attacking the shuttles. The plan that we agreed on was the following:​\\
eternity/session_6_oh_god.1497698079.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/17 11:14 by gm_amy