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eternity:politics_in_the_empire [2017/06/12 08:28]
gm_andrew various minor changes
eternity:politics_in_the_empire [2017/06/13 14:37] (current)
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 Tensions grew in the Empire as the population demanded answers. Public protest increased, and in 659PE, the organisation '​Liberty or Death' publicly released a file containing all the details of '​Project New Dawn', which proved true the accusation that New Prima was destroyed by the Elysian government. With that, planets on the edge of the Empire were thrown into open revolt as public outraged reached a peak. Planets in the centre of the Empire remained under tight control. Martial law reigned in the inner-most planets, and in 660PE the planet-killer was turned on one of the planets in rebellion. At this point, a small amount of political protest begun in the centre of the Empire. This led to an increase in reactionary violence enacted by the state. ​ Tensions grew in the Empire as the population demanded answers. Public protest increased, and in 659PE, the organisation '​Liberty or Death' publicly released a file containing all the details of '​Project New Dawn', which proved true the accusation that New Prima was destroyed by the Elysian government. With that, planets on the edge of the Empire were thrown into open revolt as public outraged reached a peak. Planets in the centre of the Empire remained under tight control. Martial law reigned in the inner-most planets, and in 660PE the planet-killer was turned on one of the planets in rebellion. At this point, a small amount of political protest begun in the centre of the Empire. This led to an increase in reactionary violence enacted by the state. ​
-In the election year of 666PE, a new Council was elected on a platform promising a limited amount of reform. Very little was achieved by 676PE, when a few individuals from the b-Exagora incident emerged on Prima. Nicholas Russell arrived triumphant on a stolen shuttle from Tel space, having evaded capture. It is not known how Alethea Rucker returned to Prima. They soon became two prominent figures in the new political landscape of Prima. They quickly became a symbol of hope after their accounts of the b-Exagora incident were publicised. Their victory over the oppressive regime of the Redemption Reform Facility, particularly when coupled with their insistence on peaceful reform, made them sympathetic public figures. Nicholas'​ work in clearing his brother, Avery'​s,​ name only cemented this image.+In the election year of 666PE - just after the arrival of the victims of b-Exagora in Tel space in 665PEfollowing which several new transmissions were released - a new Council was elected on a platform promising a limited amount of reform. Very little was achieved by 676PE, when a few individuals from the b-Exagora incident emerged on Prima. Nicholas Russell arrived triumphant on a stolen shuttle from Tel space, having evaded capture. It is not known how Alethea Rucker returned to Prima. They soon became two prominent figures in the new political landscape of Prima. They quickly became a symbol of hope after their accounts of the b-Exagora incident were publicised. Their victory over the oppressive regime of the Redemption Reform Facility, particularly when coupled with their insistence on peaceful reform, made them sympathetic public figures. Nicholas'​ work in clearing his brother, Avery'​s,​ name only cemented this image.
 Alethea Rucker and Nicholas Russell became the public faces of the Reformist Movement. Together they called for an extension of the franchise and a government that represents all its people, not just the rich and powerful. They called for the accountability for the crimes perpetrated by the government against New Prima and the prisoners of b-Exagora. They garnered support quickly and by 677PE they were attending regular meetings with members of the Short List to discuss what change could be affected. ​ Alethea Rucker and Nicholas Russell became the public faces of the Reformist Movement. Together they called for an extension of the franchise and a government that represents all its people, not just the rich and powerful. They called for the accountability for the crimes perpetrated by the government against New Prima and the prisoners of b-Exagora. They garnered support quickly and by 677PE they were attending regular meetings with members of the Short List to discuss what change could be affected. ​
eternity/politics_in_the_empire.1497256104.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/12 08:28 by gm_andrew