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eternity:lyla_mayweather [2017/06/12 22:26]
eternity:lyla_mayweather [2017/06/13 13:05] (current)
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 **Lyla:** Well, of course, there were the riots in the beginning, and the issues with NEXUS, but as for //​interesting//​ challenges, the biggest was the pollination issue, of course. ​ **Lyla:** Well, of course, there were the riots in the beginning, and the issues with NEXUS, but as for //​interesting//​ challenges, the biggest was the pollination issue, of course. ​
-Now, many of the plant species we grow here are typically insect-pollinated,​ and while there are many things we can do with modified plants - I'm sure you've heard about the work I did with geraniums in the early years - pollinators were always an issue. ​As b-Exagora has no native insect life, it was almost a decade ​after we began work before we could first import bees...+Now, many of the plant species we grow here are typically insect-pollinated,​ and while there are many things we can do with modified plants - I'm sure you've heard about the work I did with geraniums in the early years - pollinators were always an issue. ​B-Exagora has no native insect life, and it was decades ​after we began work before we could first import bees...
eternity/lyla_mayweather.1497306363.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/12 22:26 by gm_morgan