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eternity:james_scuzz_anderson [2017/06/11 00:46]
eternity:james_scuzz_anderson [2017/06/12 17:02] (current)
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 Now what's a perfect way to communicate when your internet access has been cut off and your phones have been taken? Good old fashioned radio? That's the way one prisoner looked at it! Known as "The Redeemer",​ his broadcasts were not to be missed! There was plenty of speculation about their identity, but they were finally revealed to be called Scuzz -- AFTER they had died!! Now that's a legacy we can get behind! \\  Now what's a perfect way to communicate when your internet access has been cut off and your phones have been taken? Good old fashioned radio? That's the way one prisoner looked at it! Known as "The Redeemer",​ his broadcasts were not to be missed! There was plenty of speculation about their identity, but they were finally revealed to be called Scuzz -- AFTER they had died!! Now that's a legacy we can get behind! \\ 
 -- from //"10 Things You Won't Believe Happened on b-Exagora! (It Wasn't All Evil Research!)"//​ on popular Bel-Ashan light entertainment website -- from //"10 Things You Won't Believe Happened on b-Exagora! (It Wasn't All Evil Research!)"//​ on popular Bel-Ashan light entertainment website
 +//[Scuzz raises the microphone to his lips. Camera pans over shots of the prison as he speaks.]//​\\
 +Scuzz: Hello and welcome to another episode of Redemption Radio! Another episode another day on this damn hell-rock. Now honestly, when are we gonna get off this damn planet? I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty sick of this food. Honestly. Protein bars. Again? Would it kill them to put some herbs on it? I know we're not exactly gourmet here but...\\
 +//[Camera stops on Agnostino Serpico.]//​\\
 +Agnostino: Will someone shut that thing off?
 +Aanya Khatri: Well we started to prepare for fighting about two months after the supply ship crashed. At first we thought we were preparing for attacks from other inmates. It was Gaius Eischel and James Anderson who got us organised. Eischel I never heard of after the riots. Scuzz- James, was killed. We never found out by whom. But without him, we wouldn'​t have had the network of radios that helped us coordinate during the riots. Without his hard work and preparation,​ so many more of our members would have died.\\
 +Interviewer:​ You obviously think very highly of him.\\
 +Aanya Khatri: He was a friend. And he thought to give us hope when everything seemed bleakest. He had been calling for the prison to rally together for months, trying to reconcile the divides between us.
 +Interviewer:​ In order to fight the guards?\\
 +Aanya Khatri: No. //[She smiles.]// He wanted them to work with us. He wanted all of us to get out alive. //[She looks maudlin.]//
 +The Redeemer: //Welcome to Redemption Radio Station! The official pirate radio station of the Republic, and don't let them tell you otherwise. Now I'm your host the Redeemer, and we've got some great tunes for you today...//
 +-The Redemption Radio Station, used to communicate between rebels from 678-680PE; remained in operation for four decades afterwards in honour of James Anderson and the fallen revolutionaries.
eternity/james_scuzz_anderson.1497141994.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/11 00:46 by gm_amy