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eternity:harper_lockwood [2017/06/12 12:11]
eternity:harper_lockwood [2017/06/13 13:57] (current)
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 +//​[VERITAS]:​ Virtuoso come in. I am seeking redemption. Repeat, I am seeking Redemption.//​\\
 +//​[VIRTUOSO]:​ Shit Veritas- yeah, we're here- we're here- did you get the location of you know, the Thing?//\\
 +//​[VERITAS]:​ Confirmed. I've got the location, yeah. I've got the coordinates. Is the virus ready?//\\
 +//​[VIRTUOSO]:​ Yeah, we are ready and rearing to go. Just point us in the right direction.//​\\
 +//​[VERITAS]:​ Good; sooner we get rid of the better.//\\
 +//​[VIRTUOSO]:​ And the sooner we can return in a haze of glory and reputation and all that. Sending coordinates now?//\\
 +//​[VERITAS]:​ I'm not sure this line is secure, if I'm honest. Weird activity. I'll radio back.//\\
 +//[The line clicks dead.]//
 +-Extract from encrypted EIS files dated 678PE.
 +"​Despite their vocal preference for art which undermined it's own message, Harper Lockwood'​s portrayal of '​Revolution'​ is thought to be a sincere expression of belief. In light of their political work, it seems unlikely that this piece speaks of the folly of rebellion or what political critics of the time referred to as '​Containment Theory'​. Instead this piece, lovingly rendered, is evocative of hope without denying the deep loss experienced in times of revolt. The pains of revolution are not ignored in favour of simplistic idealism, but instead portray sacrifices elevated to martyrdom without betraying the realities of the situation."​
 +-Excerpt from 'The Art of the 7th Century: Forged in Revolution'​.
 +//​[Lockwood]:​ So are you stopping by Prima soon or are you just, you know, pushing on through Tel space?//\\
 +//[Segal]: We're moving on to Bel-Ashan next.//\\
 +//​[Lockwood]:​ That means you're not going to be back in Elysian space for decades.//​\\
 +//[Segal]: I know. I'm sorry.//\\
 +//​[Lockwood]:​ No, I mean, I'm busy, you're busy, it's just one of those. I just. I miss you.//\\
 +//[Segal]: I miss you too.//\\
 +-Transmission from the //Six O' Spades// in 683PE.
 ====The Assassination of the Council==== ​ ====The Assassination of the Council==== ​
eternity/harper_lockwood.1497269490.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/12 12:11 by gm_jay