Well, looks like we're in charge now. The guards can't use the collars, and even if they could, there's only a couple dozen of them at most, either cooped up in their quarters or surrendered to us. This is our planet now, let's get to looting them and see if they had any interesting cybernetics…
OOC: Everyone is now IMMUNE to collar calls, unless you have been briefed otherwise. This does not affect the PARALYSE when you attempt violence.
It's like the whole prison is the workgroup briefing room. Finally get a taste of freedom, and we can't even have a good scrap.
With the riots taking place, people have been using the opportunity to nick anything that's not nailed down. And everything that is nailed down. I wanna know where I can get me one of them crowbars they were using. Probably nicked them.
Did you see the body? How long did they keep stabbing her for? Like fuck don't get me wrong I hated her but fuck
Saw their body during the riots. Lucky they didn't end up in the morgue - worst thing that can happen to you that side of the grave.
Why the fuck did they set fire to all those buggies?
They did for her when they stormed the armoury. I heard it was bloody. I heard the Family shot her in the end. Fucking finally.
Did you see all their stunguns? Nice work. They waited for the riots to bring them out. They were bloody effective. Manny Sousa is dead, though.
The prisoners of war have formed themselves into military-style units, with unit commanders, led by General Vrak. Turns out quite a lot of them combat-capable ex-soldiers. Who knew.
Can someone check those bodies at the base of the main watchtower? Yeah, I know they're kinda blown up. Is he in the staff complex? Did anyone see him?
Hahahaha who's gonna miss him?!
Verm Ambrose gave a rousing speech when the guards were down, about tasting freedom and joining him if you want to fight. Yeah, I heard. Then Lorelei Wildner gave a speech at dawn. It was a bit more, like, metaphorical I think? I definitely heard the word uber-carnivore.
Saw them nicking stuff from the kitchen yesterday. What do you mean they died? Is the fucking kitchen haunted now?
He named a successor to be the head of the Family in the prison.
It appears that the two, who were known rivals, died fighting each other. The other assailants are unknown.
He is known to have been one of the people who triggered the resistance of the collars against the guards' calls to initiate the revolt. He was killed shortly afterwards.
One of the newest True Elysians, their popular new hero who betrayed the Tel, according to the reports. She died during the riots.
Ever seen the two of them in the same place? Didn't think so.
During the fucking riots, mate. The base the CPP-Tel alliance made out of the main rec room? They had their weakest ones in the middle there, all sheltered, the whole night, and they were singing, mate. I swear to god, that weird priest of theirs I Teyk Ngalsh was leading a choir. In the middle of the circle, they had soldiers defending that room like a fort and they formed a fucking choir.
Someone missed all the action while they were up there. Didn't a few guards go with them? Including someone senior?