====== Stah Ye Jeh Sii Ko - Jenny W [DEAD]====== {{ photo:stah ko.png?200|Stah Ye}} Email: [[stah_ye@redemption.chaosdeathfish.com]] Requesting records for Stah Ye Jeh Sii Ko \\ [ACCESS TO MILITARY HISTORY IS RESTRICTED. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR RECORDS OFFICER IF YOU BELIEVE YOU SHOULD HAVE ACCESS]\\ 643 PE – Initial arrest for public brawling and incitement of civil disturbance. Prisoner refused to cooperate even under duress.\\ 645 PE – Sentence extended due to aggressive and uncooperative behaviour. During trial security footage revealed prisoner in several areas she should not have had access to. Additional charges for trespass.\\ 648 PE – Prisoner escaped from detention facility with assistance, appears to have been the driving force behind the escape\\ 649 PE – Prisoner recaptured, sentenced and transported to b-Exagora higher security facility to prevent further escape attempts {{tag>retired}} [[user:stah ye|Player User Page]]\\ [[gm:user:stah ye|GM User Page]]