====== Nicholas Russell - David S ====== {{ photo:nicholas russell.jpg?200|Nicholas Russell}} Email: [[nicholas_russell@redemption.chaosdeathfish.com]] Nicholas Russell was born on Prima in 624PE to a wealthy family with ties to the Council, and was made a member of the Electoral College after contributing to some research breakthroughs in exomanufacturing at the Central Institute of Technology in Landfall, Prima. Russell’s subsequent successful career as a senior engineer in Feldspar Industries’ colonisation division, allowed him to perpetrate an astonishingly complex fraud and embezzlement operation from within the company - funnelling resources and funding to external parties linked to organised crime, conducting insider trading, and manipulating bids and contracting for personal profit. {{tag>bio}} [[user:nicholas russell|Player User Page]]\\ [[gm:user:nicholas russell|GM User Page]]